ELECTION OF DIRECTORS—Our Annual Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, April 21, 2024,
time not set, at the cul-de-sac of Chinaberry Grove, adjacent to 5419 Chinaberry Grove (in our subdivision).
During the meeting, we will elect new Directors to serve from the close of the 2024 Annual Meeting until the
Annual Meeting in April 2025. If you are interested in running for Director, please contact our Secretary, Konrad
Szwab, at wwcadirectors@gmail.com or submit your name through our website www.waterbrookwest.com by
March 27 so that your name can be printed on the ballots sent to Members. If you also wish to have a candidate
statement (maximum of 300 words) included with the ballots, please submit the statement to Mr. Szwab by March
27. Please attend, vote, and meet your neighbors. Please bring a lawn chair. We ask Members to please send in
your absentee ballot or proxy if you do not plan to attend the Annual Meeting to ensure a quorum.
is in the process of having our governing documents reviewed by a real
estate attorney. We will present our findings and recommendations and
solicit your input as part of the Annual Meeting.
ANNUAL ASSESSMENT—For the 16 th consecutive year, your Board has set the 2024 Annual Assessment at $0.
EMAIL ADDRESSES NEEDED—If you are receiving this newsletter in the mail, we need your email address to
save postage costs. Please send your email address to wwcadirectors@gmail.com or use the contact form under the
MORE tab on our website www.waterbrookwest.com
Please take extra precautions when school buses enter and exit our subdivision during the morning pickup hours of
6:30am to 8:30am and afternoon drop off hours of 2:30pm to 4:30pm.
MISSOURI CITY POLICE LIAISON—Sergeant Hebert is our Police Liaison with the City. Contact him with
questions using the non-emergency phone number for the police department 281-403-8700.
Engagement Coordinator. Contact her at Renee.Kross@Missouricitytx.gov or 281-403-8694.
MISSOURI CITY EMAIL LIST—To add your email address to the City’s contact list for informational emails,
send your request to our Community Engagement Coordinator, Renee Kross at Renee.Kross@Missouricitytx.gov
Log on to MissouriCityReady.com to sign up to receive emergency alerts. Also, from the City, “For more
information about Missouri City, please watch the City website: www.missouricitytx.gov, like us on
Facebook—fb/MissouriCityTX, follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat—@MissouriCityTX and watch
Missouri City Television (Ch. 16 on Comcast and Ch. 99 on AT&T U-verse).”
SOLID WASTE SERVICE—Check Missouri City’s website http://www.missouricitytx.gov/ for information.
The trash calendar is also posted on our website www.waterbrookwest.com
HOLIDAY DECORATIONS AT ENTRANCE—We thank Konrad Szwab for putting up and taking down the
Christmas decorations at our entrance sign in December.
UNITED STATES FLAGS AT ENTRANCE—Thank you to Jill Galen for displaying our U. S. Flags at our
entrance on the appropriate holidays.
ENTRANCE LIGHTS—Thanks to Konrad Szwab for replacing a light bulb in October.
WWCA WEBSITE—We thank Konrad Szwab for continuing to maintain the Association website
ACC MEMBERS—Thank you to Viki Peltier and Jill Galen who volunteer to serve on the ACC.
MOWING STREET EDGES—The Board would like to thank our residents who continue to mow: Jim
Lastovica, Frank Collins, Terry Hinkle, and Ed Kronenberger.
MOWING ENTRANCE— Separate Sienna crews mow the grass along Sienna Parkway, along the levee, and the
front lot on the lake side which Sienna owns. They are now mowing up to Raintree Drive. The crews mow at
different times. Our mower who mows the vacant lots will mow the entrance for us on an as needed basis. Thanks
to Ed Kronenberger for spraying Roundup on the weeds in the median in March.
SEECLICKFIX—Create an account at https://seeclickfix.com/missouri-city to submit anonymous complaints
about city ordinance violations. Any Member can submit a notice of a city ordinance violation; it is not necessary
to contact the Board. It can also be used to identify repair needs. If the anonymous option is chosen, the resident
will NOT receive updates on actions taken.
DEED RESTRICTIONS—The deed restrictions are on the Association website at www.waterbrookwest.com
and can be found on the Fort Bend County website at http://ccweb.co.fort-bend.tx.us/ If you plan to build, the
Architectural Control Committee guidelines may also be found on the Association website and are on file with Fort
Bend County.
submitted to the ACC for approval before construction begins. In general, please submit a plot plan, elevations,
materials list, and color scheme to the ACC for approval of homes (no metal roofs), garages (openings must face to
side or rear), carports, and accessory buildings. No structure, excluding fences, shall be located nearer to the street
than 60 feet to any fronting street, 60 feet to any side street, or 10 feet to any sideline. (The street includes the
pavement and the drainage ditch to the lot property line.) All garages shall have openings for such structures to the
side or to the rear, so that openings shall not be visible from the street. Corner lots shall construct garages so that
openings will not be visible from either street. For fences, please submit a plot plan showing location, fence height
(maximum of 8 feet), and materials to be used (no hurricane fencing). In general, privacy fences are allowed on
the sides and rear of the property. Fencing between the street and the building setback line should be at least two-
thirds open or see-through. See our website www.waterbrookwest.com for more details.
DOGS—Please take a plastic bag with you while walking your dog to “scoop the poop” and deposit in your trash.
OPEN MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS—As always, monthly Board meetings are open to all Members. Our
Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at 5211 Chinaberry Grove. Check our
website www.waterbrookwest.com for confirmation of the next meeting date, time, and location.
Hoping to see you at the Annual Meeting,
Your Volunteer Board of Directors and Officers,
Kathy Atwood, Director and President
Cindy Dunigan, Director and Vice President
Sunil John, Director
Susan Kronenberger, Director and Treasurer
Konrad Szwab, Director and Secretary
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The next Board Meetings will be held Tuesday, January 7, 2025, and Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 7 pm in our
subdivision at 5211 Chinaberry Grove. As always, members are welcome to attend.